
Showing posts from February 24, 2013

Possible Outcomes for Component Replacement

Discuss why savings in cost from reusing existing software is not simply proportional to the size of the components that are used. What other factors affect the cost? Principles of Component Independence and Possible Outcomes for Component Replacement There is a general agreement in the software engineering industry that a component is an independent software unit which can be composed with other independent units in order to create a software system (Sommerville, 1989). Another commonly accepted definition is that a component can be independently deployed and composed without modification according to a composition standard (Councill and Heineman, 2001). In any system, software or hardware, in order to determine its reliability it is important to firstly establish component independence. This is typically achieved through independent component analysis (ICA), which is a computational technique for revealing hidden factors that underlie sets of measurements or signals (Oja, 2001...

Phishing for Romance

Phishing is a type of online fraud that tries to trick you into revealing personal financial information, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. In most cases, phishing takes the form of an e-mail message claiming to come from a bank, credit card company, online retailer or some other legitimate source. Take the SonicWALL Phishing and Spam IQ Quiz (available at ) Phishing for Romance Phishing is a form of social engineering in which an attacker, also known as a phisher, attempts to deceptively repossess genuine users’ private or sensitive qualifications by mimicking electronic connections from a trustworthy or public organization in an automated fashion (Jakobsson, 2007). Phishing techniques circumvent an organization or individual’s security measure. It nullifies any firewalls, authentication software, and encryption due to the fact that most “phisers” nowadays uses social engineering to entice possible targets. Attackers can use different methods...

Reuse in Component Based Software Engineering

Discuss why savings in cost from reusing existing software is not simply proportional to the size of the components that are used. What other factors affect the cost? Reuse in Component Based Software Engineering Software reuse is the process through which an organization designates a set of operating procedures to specify, produce, classify, retrieve, and adapt software components with the purpose of using them in development activities (Parnas, 1994). One of the main reasons organizations have adopted component based software engineering (CBSE), a system which has highly reusable qualities, in their software development process is the reduction in development costs and increase in productivity.   Software reuse represents reusing an asset, or a component, in a different system that the one in which it was initially used (Frakes and Fox, 1995). The term software reuse might be, at first glance, somewhat misleading, but it is by no means something that can be achieved free of cos...

Cyberspace Censorship or Lawlessness

For this discussion, we will talk about “freedom of speech in cyberspace”. Please let us know any of the recent events (one event) from the news that illustrate a positive or negative implication of the impact of the Internet on the actual protection of the freedom of speech. What is your opinion on the event? Cyberspace: Censorship or Lawlessness Freedom of speech is the right to express opinion without censorship or restraint. Freedom of speech in cyberspace is a highly debated topic in the advent of the Internet. Cyberspace is a lawless zone where the weak are prey to the strong. Due to the surge of fraudulent and unscrupulous entities attacking websites and sensitive data theft, governments are taking action in censoring/limiting the usage or access to certain sites. In revolt to these actions, citizens of the Internet made uproars in response to this. Social media site users retorted by using black backgrounds as profile pictures, creation of hate pages, and viral commentar...

Goals And Techniques Of Process Analysis

Discuss the goals and techniques of Process Analysis Process analysis involves the series of events that result in an achievement. It tells you how this series of events occurred. Process analysis is of two types, informational and directional. Informational analysis asks the question,” How is this done?” This analysis tells you how a certain thing was done or achieved. Directional analysis, on the other hand, asks the question, “How can you do this?” Here you examine how you can do a certain thing so that the process can be repeated. Directional analysis gives directions to a certain process. The purpose of performing a process analysis is to understand how to do a certain thing or how it works, to ascertain how effective a process is or to argue about its significance. The goals of performing a process analysis are, to evaluate completeness, to identify the factors that make maps difficult to use, to isolate bottlenecks, to measure process time, to find redundancies, and to examin...

Process Metrics Effectiveness

Choose a process metrics to discuss. How effective would it be to help process improvement? How easy is it to use? Process metrics are used to measure the components of processes which are used to obtain software. (Singh et al. 2011) Process metrics are measurements that deal with a specific project or program and enable organizations to obtain, evaluate, and communicate excellent results of process improvement. Time is the key element that effect process metrics, as it plays a big role in the quantitative analysis of projects. Therefore, comparing the time delta between proposed time and increased time is a significant component for project completions. Hence, process metrics are very useful to assess the improvement of a process (Zelkowitz, 2009). Process metrics are the means for the software developmental project to be sustained throughout its life cycle. These metrics are collected in order to form strategic decisions about long-term process improvements. There are several pr...

Overlooked Risks In Software Development

What software risks are most commonly overlooked or not managed well within your organization? What mitigation strategies would you recommend to lessen the severity of the risks? Do you have any suggestions for how these risks may be prevented/ avoided in the future? Risk management is vital for software development projects. Software risk management is needed during project execution for control purposes and project planning. It helps to reduce the chances of project failure. The first step in software project risk management is to identify a set of risks and record then in a checklist (Arnuphaptrairong 2011). Installing mapping system and other large software projects have proved beneficial to organizations. However, the risks involved in such an implementation are huge. The threat of a risk establishes the need for a systematic and aggressive risk management process to make sure the project is a success. The risk management process should address three main risks linked to impleme...

Legacy System And Client-Server System

Some of you have lived through the conversion of a legacy system into a client-server or distributed system. Others have tangentially been involved, while others may have just heard about it. With the information you have read in this lecture and the text, and/or your own experiences, discuss some possible problems that might arise in the conversion. Software and applications that function according to old technology even though there are newer technologies available are known as legacy systems. Because the costs of replacement are usually high, not to forget the efforts, legacy systems generally are left as they are (Burke 2011).Thus, in most cases bequest system is utilized for the reason that the system where effort and time is needed in understanding it in order to change it and put a better and newer technology in its place.  The incentive behind developing a web browser system by replacing the bequest system is to use a sole client for every platform. Here a single set of cod...

Where Not To Use SOA

Giving reasons for your answer, suggest two types of applications where you would not recommend the use of service-oriented architecture and why. SOA or Service Oriented Architecture is an architectural concept where components of systems depict data and functionality in the form of services. These services are accessible by various other components with the help of certain standard-based technologies (Thomson 2008). With SOA one can create new applications by mix-and-match. The first step is to choose on the application needed, next identify the present components that can aid in building up the application, and lastly mix them all together (Gralla 2003). Although SOA seems to be increasingly popular in the present day, it is not a new concept at all. It exists since the 1980s. However, the idea didn’t take root as there was no application programming interface or standard middleware that could enable it to do so. With the development of Web services, SOA has resurfaced. The und...

Risk Management Deliverers

List two or three risk management deliverers that you have seen or produced during a past or current project (such as: risk list, risk status report, risk management plan, expected value report, risk monitoring report, risk response form, etc.). Describe their effectiveness.                                                         When during the project life cycle were they developed? How much training did those involved in the related processes receive? Risks are part of every project. For a project to be successful, the key is not to avoid risks, but to know and understand them. A risk is the probability of occurrence of a condition or event that would negatively affect the project development process. R...